R & D Hot cathode magnetron
R & D Development and testing of a prototype of a high-speed magnetron sputtering device with a heated target according to the Start 1 program Federal State Budgetary Institution "Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere" (Innovation Assistance Fund)
- the thermal field, magnetic field was calculated and modeled, the target erosion zone was calculated;
- a prototype of a high-speed magnetron sputtering device with a heated target was designed and manufactured;
- tests and confirmed technological and technical and operational characteristics of the device with the results obtained:
- an increase in the deposition rate by 1.5 times of both metal and oxide coatings, an increase in the content of reactive gases in the spraying medium does not affect the deposition rate;
- more dense and microdispersed coating structures;
- optimal modes for different targets and for different reactive materials were obtained;
- In the course of the work done, an application was submitted for a useful model “Cathode assembly of a magnetron sprayer”.